
Author: Carolyn Rennie, Foothills Centre for Change A lot of us come into recovery from addiction to drug and alcohol with a pile, or rather heaps of resentments. People who have caused us so much harm we don’t believe we could ever let it go or move past the...

Finding Our Strengths – Part Two: Maximizing Your Strengths

Author: Carolyn Rennie, Foothills Centre for Change Recognizing and believing in our strengths is what can help set us apart from those who relapse and those who recover. Now that we have identified our strengths in the first part (last week’s Blog) we will now look...

Finding Our Strengths – Part One: Identifying our Strengths

Author: Carolyn Rennie, Foothills Centre for Change Why is it important to identify our strengths? Most addicts and alcoholics get used to just identifying their character defects, their moral failings and remembering all the damage they’ve caused. Morbid reflection...


Author: Carolyn Rennie, Foothills Centre for Change Denial is the refusal to accept something that is presented as true, this is a stumbling block to recovery. Denial often stems from shame, low self-esteem, self-loathing, and low self-worth. For those addicted to...

HALT – Hungry Angry Lonely Tired

Author: Carolyn Rennie, Foothills Centre for Change Self-care is critical recovery from drugs and alcohol and when self-care slips it could mean disaster. One way that you can be on guard is to be mindful of HALT. HALT means to stop and reevaluate because you may be...
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